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multiple antenna 【無線電】復合天線。

multiple bank

Recently , multiple input multiple output ( mimo ) system which originates from the employment of multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver has many advantages such as large system capacity , high spectral efficiency . on the other hand , orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( ofdm ) which bases on the orthogonal transmission of sub - carriers also has some obvious merits such as strong anti - multipath ability , high spectral efficiency . the combination of the two techniques mimo - ofdm , has become a hotspot recently and regarded as promising technique for future next - generation mobile communication systems 近來,在無線通信系統中的收發兩端同時使用多根天線的多入多出( mimo , multiple - input - multiple - output )通信結構,具有系統容量大、頻譜效率高等優點;基于正交的多路子載波并行傳輸的正交頻分復用( ofdm , orthogonalfrequencydivisionmultiplexing )技術,具有抗多徑能力強、頻譜效率高等優點,二者的結合,即mimo - ofdm技術,被認為是構建下一代移動通信系統的框架技術。

In mimo systems , the signal can be sent and received through multiple antennas or antenna arrays . the combination of ofdm and mimo can effectively alleviate the problem of multi - path propagation , increase system capacity , and obtain more robust system capability , so they are considered as the main stream techniques of the future wireless communication system Ofdm技術固有的抗信道多徑和頻率選擇性衰落特性以及mimo在提高系統頻譜利用率,改善無線通信系統性能等方面的巨大作用,使得這兩種技術的融合成為了下一代移動通信系統的必然選擇。

By way of analysis about the typical gps receiver tracking loops , the mathematical models of code multipath error and carrier phase multipath error are proposed in the dissertation ; by way of analysis about geometrical model of multipah signal , the mathematical model of differential path delay is proposed in the dissertation ; based on the above analysis , a improved carrier phase multipath mitigation algorithm using closely - spaced multiple antennas array is proposed , the result of computer simulation proves that the algorithm is feasible . the attitude parameters are often estimated using direct computation method . the relationship between the accuracy of attitude parameters and baseline length as well 本文從經典的gps接收機跟蹤環出發,分析了多徑效應對偽距觀測量、載波相位觀測量和snr的影響,提出了碼相位多徑誤差和載波相位多徑誤差的數學模型;通過對多徑效應的幾何模型分析,提出了多徑信號相對路徑延遲的數學模型;在此基礎之上,提出了一種改進的基于窄間距多天線陣列的載波相位多徑誤差抑制算法,通過計算機仿真證明了該算法的有效性。

Fortunately , a novel creative technology , namely multiple - input multiple - output ( mimo ) , has provided an innovative solution to this problem . mimo technology utilizes multiple antennas at both transmit and receive ends of the radio link to multiply the capacity and reliability by fully exploiting the space resource within the same frequency band at no additional power expenditure 可幸的是,多入多出( mimo )無線通信技術為解決該問題提供了全新的途徑,它在無線鏈路收發兩端均采用多天線,充分開發空間資源,在無需增加頻譜資源和發射功率的情況下,成倍地提升了通信系統的容量與可靠性。

Space - time coding technique is a coding technique which is applied in mimo system . it correlates to multiple antennae and signals transmitted in different periods in temporal and spatial domains , which enable the receiver can overcome fading over mimo channel and reduce error code transmitted 空時編碼是一種用于mimo系統的編碼技術,該編碼在多根發射天線和各個時間周期的發射信號之間能夠產生空域或時域的相關性,這種空時相關性可以使接收機克服mimo信道衰落和減少發射誤碼。

Because using ofdm , a frequency - selective fading channel can be transformed into multiple frequency - flat fading sub - channels , in the coding process , spatial diversity ( due to multiple antennas ) is integrated with frequency diversity ( due to delay spread ) , therefore , the proposed code can provide higher diversity gain than space - time code alone 該編碼利用正交頻分復用把頻率選擇性衰落信道變換成平衰落信道的特性,同時引入了基于多天線的空間分集和基于時延擴展的頻率分集,比空時編碼具有更高的分集增益。

Digital communication using multiple - input - multiple - output ( mimo ) has recently emerged as one of the most significant technical breakthroughs in modern communications . with multiple antennas both at the transmitter and receiver , mimo can increase the system capacity and the spectrum efficiency a lot at no cost of extra spectrum Mimo系統能夠充分開發空間資源,它利用多天線實現多發多收,在不增加頻譜資源和天線發射功率的情況下,可以成倍地提高信道的容量和頻譜利用率,同時提高信道的可靠性、降低誤碼率。

Moment method is used for the analysis of interference among the vehicular multiple antennae in this paper . the multiple antennae system is equivalent to a microwave network , then the admittance matrix of the network can be obtained . using the admittance matrix , we can analyze the characteristic of coupling between two antennae and the near field of the antennae by the mom 本文采用矩量法對車載多天線間的相互干擾特性進行了分析,將多天線系統等效為微波網絡,然后采用矩量法求該網絡的導納矩陣y ,利用該導納矩陣對天線間互耦特性進行分析,同時計算天線的近場分布。

Because the conventional video coding schemes base on single antenna but not multiple antenna . the video signal should be decomposed into several sub - stream before it transmits over mimo - ofdm . this paper proposes a multiple description video coding scheme to match the multiple antenna system . we use a method based on 3d - sipht to re - arrange the coefficients into wavelet trees according to their spatio - temporal representation . each wavelet tree is coded and decoded independently , thus , the performance of error resilience for this scheme can be improved 本文提出的視頻多碼流分解是基于3d - spiht技術的改進,這種基于小波的信號分解產生的多零樹,可以通過對每個小波樹獨立的進行高效壓縮編碼來增加傳輸魯棒性,壓縮產生的比特流可以靈活地組合成不同數量的碼流,這樣就同時兼顧了分解和壓縮。

Evolving the underlying networks to support a mass market , however , presents a number of challenges : spectrum is a limited resource ; cdma standards have sub - optimal spectral efficiency ; layered 3g network architectures are not conducive to low - latency services ; and capacity - enhancing smart antenna or multiple antenna systems have been disappointing 但開發基本網絡以滿足廣大市場,仍面臨幾大挑戰:頻譜資源有限、 cdma標準的光譜效率未達最優、分層3g網絡架構未能實現即時服務、及容量增大的智能天線或多天線系統仍不盡人意。

However , many problems are emerging and urgently needed to be solved in the mimo communication system due to the introduction of multiple antennas . an excellent performance of the multi - antenna system ensures that the mimo system achieve its advantages 優異的多天線性能是mimo系統實現其各種優勢的根本保障,本文以863項目“新型天線與分集技術研究”為契機,圍繞移動終端多天線設計這一主題展開了系統的研究。

Bst - rr9201 is a type of long - range reader which is compatible with iso 15693 . it can work with different antenna . the maximum identifying range can up to 120cm ; bst - rr9201 can connect to multiple antenna for lowing the application fund Bst - rr9201是一款符合iso15693標準的長距離讀寫設備,配合不同的天線,識別距離長達120cm bst - rr9201可同時連接多套天線,從而降低客戶的應用成本。

At same time , it was also investigated the impact of the position errors of multiple antennas both sides of transmit and receive on the correlation of antenna array , and the simulation results by computer are also given 同時還研究了多天線的位置誤差對天線陣列的相關函數的影響,給出了有關仿真結果。

This thesis addresses the problem of minimizing the total transmit power subject to individual rate constraints in broadcast channel with multiple antennas at the transmitter and one antenna at each receiver 本文解決了多輸入多輸出( mimo )廣播信道中滿足用戶速率要求的最小傳輸能量問題。

To achieve the target spectral efficiency and throughput of e - utra , several proposals have discussed and concluded on the need for multiple antenna systems 為達到高級通用無線接取之預期中的頻譜效益及傳輸能力,已有相當多的提案針對多重天線系統中的需求考量進行討論并做出結論。

As the mimo system implies multiple antennas in both transmit and receive sides , the design of multiple antennas becomes very important in the next generation of wireless communication Mimo技術在接收和發射端都引入了多天線,因此多天線的設計在新一代移動通信中顯得尤為重要。

To achieve the target spectral efficiency and throughput of e - utra , several proposals have discussed and concluded on the need for multiple antenna systems 為達到進階通用無線接取之預期中的頻譜效益及傳輸能力,已有相當多的提案針對多重天線系統中的需求考量進行討論并做出結論。

It is proved by analyzing that the method is exactitude in theory and precise in solution and can be used as a guidance of equipment and collocation of the vehicular multiple antennae 經計算分析證明,該方法理論正確,計算精度較高,對車載天線的安裝、配置有較強的指導意義。

In view of the drawback of the existing models , a novel geometrical based spatial - temporal hybrid - path channel model is proposed for multiple antennas system 基于現有模型的不足,提出了一種基于幾何結構的混合路徑空時無線信道統計模型。